With a shiny new year upon us, it’s time to think about vision-setting and resolution-making. Most of us use the start of a year as a time to challenge ourselves. We want to leave 2018 happier, healthier, and more fulfilled than we were when we started it.

If you’re a yoga teacher, you might be wondering what you can do to take your teaching to the next level. You may have heard about the positive experiences that your fellow teachers have had when they take their students on retreats to exotic and inspiring locations. This could be your reality.

Yoga studio in Balinese EcoVillage

Why leading a yoga retreat is a life-changing experience

Besides the obvious benefits of stepping outside of your comfort zone, there are a few other reasons you should add “Lead a yoga retreat” to your 2018 bucket list.

Connect with your students

We don’t become yoga instructors without having a desire to connect with others. A day in the life of an instructor usually involves traveling from studio to studio and working with students for 60-75 minutes at a time.

While most of us wouldn’t trade it for the world, there are times when we crave more time to get to know our fellow instructors and students. Leading a retreat gives you an opportunity to work with other members of your tribe, and it offers you space to connect meaningfully with students.

See the world

There’s nothing quite as eye-opening as going to a new place. Interacting with different cultures broadens your horizons and helps you understand the human experience. This experience can inform every aspect of your practice.

Beyond experiencing a new culture, leading a yoga retreat gives you the chance to enjoy some of the natural beauty that this world has to offer. From Tulum, Mexico to Santa Teresa, Costa Rica, there are so many ways to experience the abundance, tranquility, and healing that comes from stepping into nature.

Costa Dulce, Nicaragua

Build your reputation and skills

Instructors interested in leading retreats are teaching at least 6 classes per week, leading workshops, playing roles in yoga teacher training, and they’ve been certified yoga teachers for at least one year. If that sounds like you, you’re ready to take your teaching to the next level.

Being a retreat leader can help you build a positive reputation for yourself (and in this business, reputation is everything). Having a willingness to take students on an adventure sets you apart from the crowd. Besides putting yourself out there, you’ll also be taking on challenges that will make you a better teacher.

Grow your business

Retreat leaders have the opportunity to expand their business. Since leaders market their retreats, you’ll become well-versed in putting yourself out there to attract new members of your tribe. Since many of us balk at self-marketing, this is an excellent time to commit to finding a strategy that feels authentic for you.

Your business also improves as you become known for the work that you do in the community. Leading a retreat may lead to opportunities to teach (and fill) more classes. To top it off, you'll be compensated for teaching in paradise. What can beat that?

Expand your practice

Your students are likely going to sign up for a retreat because they want to grow their practice, but if you lead, you’ll grow too. Your students will push you to be the best version of yourself simply by agreeing to make the journey with you. You’ll also meet people and experience teachings that will shape the way that you interact with others and engage in your practice.

You are enough

You may be thinking to yourself, “Leading a retreat sounds great, but it’s not something I could do.” You might find yourself struggling with self-doubt or feeling the pressures of impostor syndrome. The truth is, if you have the desire to travel and you meet the teacher requirements, you have everything you need to get started.

If you’re still feeling unsure about making the leap, but you know you’re ready, I challenge you to challenge yourself. Stand in front of the mirror, look yourself in the eye, and repeat the mantra “I am enough.” 

This could be your year! While leading a retreat may seem daunting, it’s completely within the realm of possibility. Mindful Balance Retreats can support you in realizing your vision of leading your own retreat.

Make 2018 the year you lead an adventure of your own! Sign up to lead a retreat by midnight PST on January 31, 2018 to receive a special bonus.