We all have those dreams that keep us excited about life, often that get pushed to the wayside due to work, money, kids, school and all of our other responsibilities. But let’s just imagine the possibilities if we didn’t have any concerns and we could pack up next week and go explore. Where would you go? What would you do? Big or small it’s good to keep the dream alive, there will come the opportunity to do these things again or finally (I am giving myself a pep talk here too:) so where shall we go?

Northern Lights

My goal here is to inspire you to keep these ideas moving around in your head and your heart, adventures big or small, they are yours to come up with and we must not wait until our dying days to carry out these wishes. Too many times I have heard and seen people wait until they get this life threatening illness to check these off the list. Don’t wait my friends, life is too short and it’s meant to be lived so get those creative juices flowing and ask yourself what it is that makes you feel alive?

My favorite thing in the world is to travel! To experience new things, see beautiful places, meet foreign people, taste exotic food and embrace the local culture… for me, nothing compares (well maybe child birth, but that’s a whole different ball game). Maybe for you it is learning a new language, mastering a skill, living on a farm, skydiving, taking a coast to coast road trip, writing a book, going to Carnival! They can be grand scale they can be in your hood, whatever it may be, write it down and get to planning.

Hammock time at Havasu Falls

There are endless ways to experience life and all it’s beauty. Here are a few of mine….

~Travel to Argentina wine country and explore Iguazu Falls

~HIke from Aspen Colorado to Telluride with my friends

~Take a road trip through all of Canada’s National Parks

~See the Northern lights (Finland)

~Travel to India and stay in an Ashram

~HIke and camp at Havasu Falls

~Travel to the beautiful island of Seychelles

My love for travel is what inspired my retreat business, I wanted to be able to share these experiences and teach yoga, to me that is living my dream. I’d love to continue this work with my family, as I know how valuable travel is on the soul. Do you want to join, I’d love to hear what would feed your soul?

I am looking for ideas for my retreats for next year or two …. Where do you want to go in 2020?

Would you want to go alone, with friends or with your family?

Let’s start checking off your list, simply comment below and let me know your thoughts.

Adventure awaits,

Alisha (Welch) Petak